Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What the Lord has done...

I'm still not sure exactly what it is that I will have to post on this site; but I do have something that I can share and that is what God has done for me in my life.

Without getting into any major details, suffice it to say that every morning when I get up, I know that God has seen me through another day. When I get through a week of schoolwork, I know that He has been with me all the way, whether I realized it or not. And every time I have ever preached, I know that if there is anything that comes from my lips that is true of Him, or that blesses someone; it is only beause He has been with me in saying it.

I could give some major examples of God's grace in my life, but I'm not going to do that here. Instead I'm going to encourage those who come here to think about the little graces in your life. We so often become enmeshed in the big things ( or at least things that we think are big) that we totally lose perspective of what God is actually doing in our lives.

Remeber, the big things are made up of all kinds of little things, and so it's the little things that make up life.


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