Thursday, September 29, 2005

Intelligent design

This seems to be the new scientific phenomenon that is sweeping across western society like an epidemic. The really amazing thing is that Christians have known about intelligent design for thousands of years. I guess the rest of the world is just catching up.

But seriously, it is somewhat refreshing to see that there is some responsible action being taken now to actually get intelligent design (ID) into the school systems. Do I think that it's as good as creationism? No; but I do think that carried through to its natural conclusion, creationism is the end result; one that many are not willing to either accept or acknowledge. I just read an article at where a woman in Pennsylvania was upset about ID being introduced to the school system. What children are being taught in evolution is being presented as fact; something which many secular scientists are now refuting as having no scientific basis.

Aside from the multitude of creationist books that are published regularly, I would recommend some of the books being published on ID; notably "Darwin's Black Box" by Michael Behe, and "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking. Above all else, I would seriously recommend that more Christians in researching the matter, turn to that oft-overlooked book, the Bible, as an actual solution to Christian disputes over faith. After all, after 3500 years, scientists are finally beginning to realize that Genesis chapters 1&2 were right. Maybe it's time we started paying more attention to what scripture says, and less time listening to the world.


Blogger Ian Hugh Clary said...

Hey Brother, welcome to the blogoshere!

7:19 AM  

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