Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Quiet Moments

This has been a busy week. And it's only Tuesday.

I know we all have those times when life goes by so fast that it seems like you do all that you can just to try and keep up and you still fall behind. Times when no matter what you do it seems like things pile up faster than you can possibly do them. This has been just such a week.

Homework, classes, fieldwork, social life (?) all pile up, one against the other and then all of a sudden I stop and consider; where is my time for God?
It all happens so suddenly that it catches me like a brick to the head, and stumbling I realize that the more I allow myself to be sidetracked by the other things in my life, the more I cannot catch up because I rely on myself, and not on God.
I would like to think that I am not that foolish; nor that arrogant to think that this is true, yet it seems to be.

I find that it is during these particularly chaotic times when we seem to have no time for God that we most need Him. Just as Martin Luther was always too busy NOT to pray, so I think we often find ourselves in situations where we would benefit greatly by taking a few minutes to quiet our hearts before the Lord.

What can we pray for during these times? What is your situation? Pray accordingly; but often it is good to remind ourselves that it is God who is in control, not us. A calm and peaceful spirit are probably good things to pray for as well, but by the time you've come to the point of realizing God is in control, hopefully there will be a sense of peace to accompany that realization as well.

I try to continually remind myself that no matter how bad things seem at times, God is still sovereign in all things, and has purposed all my struggles and trials out for a good that I probably can't even begin to imagine until it comes. My constant prayer is that in all things I would willfully glorify God. May this be the prayer on all our hearts.

May God richly bless each and every one who calls Him Lord.


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