Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Been a while, huh?

It has been quite some time since I blogged apparently. Either no time or no internet for the most part I guess. It's interesting how easily we can become sidetracked from things. I don't specifically mean me and blogging, but it s certainly one example. I think of the number of people i have known who simply lose sight of what is important, or how easily we manage to spend so much time on what we acknowledge to be unimportant things.

It's somewhat depressing to realize what the world considers important, and to see how they evaluate what is important and what is not. There really is no basis for one person to look at another and say that one thing is more important than another, because really, it is all subjective and a matter of opinion. Christmas is coming up soon and Bob could easily look at Fred and tell him that eating turkey is more important than spending time with family or buying presents. Fred ould easily respond that the meaning of life is found in his wife buying him another cordless drill. Both may sound absurd, but what basis is there for any absolute? None.

Our society is one that is dependent entirely on perspective, yet one that realizes that there is a need for absolutes. Everyone would agree that a man who kills his 2 year old daughter has done something wrong, even though they may not be able to state why it is wrong.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to not only proclaim the gospel, but also to live our lives in accordance with scriptural truths. We have been blessed with an absolute truth in scripture, beginning with an absolute God. There is great responsibility that comes with this and if we do not do what we can to be examples not only to others in a church setting, but also to society insofar as we are involved in it, then we forsake not only our society, but also the responsibility of that truth and through that, the truth itself.