Tuesday, February 21, 2006

How to blog...

In a recent conversation with a friend of mine from school, one Peter No by name, we turned to the topic of blogging. He told me that while he freuented blogs, he did not yet have one of his own, due to the fact that he did not know what to use as a theme, and did not want to be so sporadic and random as to have no overarching theme to give it some unity. I pointed to my blog as an example of this; simply an extension of my need to rant from time to time, and to get things off my chest. Alternately I could view it as a way to express myself to the three people who actually read my blog from time to time, but let's face it, there are easier way to do that.

So why blog? What is the ultimate motivation to do this in the first place. If we were to face reality, we would have to admit that there is at least some degree of pride involved, insomuch as we who blog honestly think that we have something worthwhile to say, while my own experience is that about 90% of the time this is not true. So do we blog to express ourselves, or perhaps as Christian bloggers we do it for the edification of fellow believers and as a form of outreach for those who are not; or do we do it in the hopes that our creative and writing genius as expressed through solid and deep theoogical and philisophical themes set forth in a witty and entertaining, yet informative and helpful medium will get us discovered by someone and land us a three book deal with a major publisher. Reality, something we bloggers have no great taste for, tells me that I'm writing this blog today just because I can. I don't know that that measures up well for motivation, but it does set a good standard for honesty. I can guarantee that if you read this through to its entirety you won't really learn anything, but then again, what are our motivations for reading blogs? Deep as this is, even i don't have that much time to waste!

So how should we blog? Should we have an overarching theme to our blog pages, or should we just allow ourselves the freedom of expression that blogging grants to us, constrained only by Christian conscience and how long we actually feel like typing something that others are likely to only mock anyway? If you've read this far and yuo think I have an answer then you haven't been paying attention. Obviously I don't know. Seriously for a second though, I think that god has made us in such a way that we are not constrained to be of such continuously stoic nature that we never allow ourselves to have fun and let loose with some silliness once in a while. We have no end of publications that are devoted to serious material and to people ranting about all of the serious issues of life, and while I have no problem with that per se, or with people blogging about those things as well, I don't think that means that we have to hold opurselves to a set routine at all times and never deviate from a particular course of style or topic. If that is your goal then don't blog, at least not as a freelancer, maybe if you are one of those people who are "serious bloggers", but allow yourself to have some fun with it, or get a job working for one of those publications. If you think you have to take yuorself seriously at all times then follow the following steps (or even just run it through in your mind). Stand in front of a mirror. Now look at yourself carefully, taking in every serious and well trimmed prima nd proper feature of your face. Notice carefully you have groomed yourself to look as professional and serious as you can in preparation for the coming day. Now stick out your tongue. Notice now how ridiculous you look now. Now you are ready to not take yourself so seriously.

Go on and blog about it why don't you!


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