Sunday, December 04, 2005


Its funny the things that can pull us away in life; some for good, some for bad and some...

It's amazing sometimes the sheer number of things there are for us to be distracted from. It seems to me that this is especially true for Christians, and even more so for those who are studying for the ministry. There are things to distract us from our studies, and those are plentious; things to detract from our time spent in scripture; things that take us away from our friends and family; and then there are those major things that take our minds off of just about everything in life. In hindsight, those are often both the most dangerous types of distractions, and the most enjoyable.

First of all, i am not talking about the little distractions, like staring at the pattern of your wallpaper for half and hour, though if that's your thing then fine. I am concerned here more with those large hulking distractions that have a tendancy to occupy both large portions of our time and our mind. For some it's movies or television or computers, for others it's a hobby of some sort, and there are other notable examples as well...

What is the point of me writing about this? After all, we all experience distractions at times, and dwelling on them after the fact is, well...distracting. But there is a point, and again, this is especially for Christians. We go through different things for a reason, and we quite often come out on the other side without knowing what the reason for it was, and this is often something we do not even consider when distractions come up. But we do have the assurance that God is in control of all. If God allows us to go through something, we know that there is some value to it, whether it is something that we are to learn or that we are to experience; this varies widely from case to caes I'm sure, but the point is, there's always a point.

Sometimes I think it can be a good thing to look back on something that may have been distracting us for a while, and focus on what good may have some out of it, and not focus so much on what you may have missed out on because of it, or see it as time wasted, but see if it served in any way to cause growth in a particular aspect of our life. Was it beneficial, even if the end result left something to be desired? When all was said and done, could we still glorify God with all our hearts?

Certainly the most difficult part of overcoming distractions is moving on beyond them. This can be difficult, and often painful as well; but it is necessary if we are to overcome it as a trial and persevere as we ought. God willing, we come out stronger on the other side.


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